Monday, October 2, 2023

Antiwar Voices

After looking into these two websites, I believe that using different and diverse sources can be crucial to finding different viewpoints and different information. This means checking out lesser-known sources  and websites  to access what might be considered unbiased facts not influenced by the control of the corrupt government. Because  mainstream media can be tampered with  by the government to a certain degree it is very  important to check out the smaller sources that are untouched.

In this society that is democratic, free speech and free press is very important for holding the government accountable. However, not all mainstream media outlets are equally affected by government pressure. Therefore, it's our responsibility as consumers of news and information  to find out the difference between news sources that are very reliable and news sources that are not. 

The sources that I checked out for this blog are ANTIWAR.COM and the American Conservative, smaller sources that are not tampered with by the government and often provide different viewpoints than mainstream news sources . However, just because these sources are not touched by the government does not mean the content on them is entirely true.Many small sites sometimes contain conspiracy theory's that are very far fetched.  However, after looking at both these sources I do believe that they are very reliable. 

In today's digital age, where information is very easy to access , we must look into  the credibility and motivations of these sources we get information from.The public is definitely  better off with true information. With true information from news sources , in my opinion can stop the problem of our country being so divided. The internet allows many different  voices, including those on less popular websites, to be heard.  this is valuable for finding different points of view.  

In conclusion as a country who takes in so much information everyday, we should start to look into fact checking sources to make sure they are showing  the truth . Whether we rely on mainstream media or lesser-known websites, the key is to critically look at all sources. In a world  with so much information out there, we are responsible for figuring out what is true and what is not 

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