Monday, September 18, 2023

A summery of a presentation one of my peers created on Facebook

One piece of technology that I found very interesting when watching the presentations from the other day was the presentation of Facebook. I found it very interesting that Facebook was started by in college by a young Mark Zuckerberg while he was at Harvard. Mark has originally started Facebook as a smaller internet program called face smash. Face smash was used to compare pictures of girls that went to hard Harvard that mark got while using the Harvard student database. Face Smash was a hit  with many guys on Campus using it. Mark eventually expanded the program to other schools to gain popularity. 

With this success, Mark expanded the app to "The Facebook". This app eventually expanded further  to the App we know and love today. Even though Facebook is mostly used today by moms, it is expanding into new products such as the Metaverce which is slowly gaining steam today. Mark has expanded his company into a monopoly by buying Instagram and many other popular social media apps. I think I found this presentation so interesting because of the origin story. There is even a movie created about the creation of Facebook that was referenced in the presentation.  I think I have to watch this movie at this point because the creation of this global phenomenon intrigues me. 

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