Thursday, October 5, 2023

Privacy Online And Off

1.  How do these issues affect you? You friends and family?

These issues are very relevant to me and the people who are around me because we all use technology very heavily. Not only that but all of our personal information and everything we have mostly ever said has been picked up by these devices we use. We must learn to mute the microphones on our devices and not say anything that could ever be incriminating in front of any electronic device. It is not ok for the government to be snooping on anybody's private lives. Privacy has become a thing of the past and we must find a way to restore it. 

2. What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government should be breaking bonds with these big companies like Apple, Microsoft  and any other big tech companies. They should also stop using license plate readers and stick to police only using speed guns. Law enforcement should be protecting citizens and enforcing laws, not snooping in on our private lives without a cause or warrant. There is definitely a bigger plan in play that the government has for people. They want more a more information to help them control us even more than they do already. 

3. What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy? 

A couple ideas of what we can do to protect ourselves from these invasions of our privacy are to turn off our microphones in settings so anybody listening is not able to hear your private conversations. Also I would recommend taping up the cameras on your laptop so anybody watching cannot see. Turning off your location setting is definitely another way to protect yourself from invasions of your private life. We must learn to stand up to these companies together. 

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