Monday, December 4, 2023

Final Blog post

My relationship with technology

I think my relationship with technology is unhealthy. I believe this type of relationship is similar to most people in the United States. Like most others, I tend to spend many hours in the day scrolling on social media, texting, and calling others. Even though this is not uncommon for my generation, this relationship with technology is not great for us. I think too much time spent on social media causes less actual communion in the real world and can lead to depression and a false sense of reality. This may cause people to stay inside more. 

Technology has pulled me away from being outdoors countless times during the winter. I spend less time on social media and technology in the summer because I spend most of my time outdoors. I am consumed by technology in the winter because of the lack of activities to do in the cold. Spending time on the couch with technology is much easier than venturing outside in winter. This can also be said for the people around me. 

My friends spend a considerable amount of time on technology, just like I do, so they could be better role models when using technology. I have been worrying about people relying on technology for a while now. I am a huge believer in the theory that technology and AI will someday take over the world and end humans. However, technology has strengthened our relationships, making it easier to communicate. On the other hand, my family does not believe that technology is a good thing. My parents are tremendous ambassadors of no phones at the dinner table and other technology breaks. 

My social media, LinkedIn, and lacrosse recruiting profiles come up when I Google myself. This paints the image that I have an online presence. The lacrosse profiles show that I can work hard to achieve a goal, and my LinkedIn profile shows all my achievements. 

My social media profile provides potential employers with much insight about me. One of the biggest things my social media profile shows potential employers is that I am very diverse. On the one hand, my profile shows my accomplishments in lacrosse and school, but my profile also shows videos of me skimboarding and surfing. My profile shows employers that I am committed to working hard to get good at something. My profile also shows me with many different people. Based on what I have seen in other people's online presence, I would not change a thing about my presence online. 

Overall, technology is making me lazier. Before high school, I didn't have as much access to technology and, therefore, had to spend time looking up information. Now, I have all the information I need at my fingertips. People need to spend the time to check their information. All they care about is the speed at which they get their information. I believe we must learn to live and adapt without certain technologies. To conclude, technology has largely affected the world. It is now up to us to use it wisely.

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