Thursday, October 5, 2023

AI(frontline episode)

  In the frontline episode about AI, many questions are raised about the question is this new technology good or bad for the world .The video in question discusses  the constant evolution of AI in the modern world. It mentions multiple different pros and cons but there were a few that stood out to me. Firstly, the job loss from AI replacing jobs is astronomical. It mentions that most Americans can't cover a $400 supers charge, so there's no way they can afford to change their profession. 

Secondly, all of the identification and security systems that AI has been involved in is scary. For example, in China, the AI programs being able to know so much about you just from simply looking at your face is very alarming.The fact that this technology can already track your facial features at its beginning stage worries me. If this technology keeps advancing there is no telling what it will be able to accomplish.  When it comes to national security the fact that AI has already been able to identify people so well is a blessing and a curse. Everything that you have ever done could soon be available by a simple face scan is scary. Soon nothing will be private.The problem of identity theft has been greater than ever with peoples whole lives being displayed out to the public. 

Though AI is helping us in small tasks today at the rate that it is currently growing and becoming more and more complex is alarming to say the least. On the positive side the fact that AI can desert so much about any of us from the just an image of our face will make identity theft much harder. This is one of the pros that comes out of the positive aspects of evolution of AI. Soon many advanced tasks will no longer require humans to be completed.Many people will find themselves jobless. After watching this video all I could think about is the movie terminator. In this movie, an AI like force takes over all of the military assets in the world and uses them to wipe out humans for good. AI might be our friend for now, but very soon it will be our enemy. 

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