Monday, September 11, 2023

Supreme Court Questions

(photo by Joe Ravi )

What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

One thing that I learned about the Supreme Court that I did not know already is that they have a ton of power. They have the ability to overturn laws that are deemed unconstitutional. These members of the Supreme Court are hand picked by the president. Before doing this assignment my knowledge of the Supreme Court was next to nothing. I am glad this video was assigned because I can tell that we are going to be focusing on issues related to the Supreme Court in this class. 

What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

An important take away that I found about the  Supreme Court of the United States is that it is a very important  institution. The Supreme Court clarifies the nation's primary laws, aids in balancing the power of the government, and has a large impact on American society in general.The Supreme Court is a very large mediator of many disputes related to laws. 

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

The most surprising thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that most people on the court have been working on it for more than 60 years. In the video it was said that it really takes three years to get into the flow of the job. This shows how difficult and time consuming this job of being on the Supreme Court really is. This also connects the dots to realizing why everybody on the Supreme Court is so old. 

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

I did not realize being part of the Supreme Court is such an important honor to have. People on the Supreme Court are part of a long legacy of people that are on similar status to the president. Before watching this video I was not aware of the gravity of the position of being on the Supreme Court or much about the Supreme Court at all. 

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