Sunday, September 3, 2023

My Top 5 Favorite Sources Of News And Information

 1. Fox News

Fox News, One of the most popular news sources leaning towards the conservative side. This is definitely my top favorite news source. However I am a little bias because me myself lean a little right with my political views. I would recommend  Fox News, because it gives the straight up truth about what is going on in the world. However the stock of Fox News with me went down after one of their top anchors, Tucker Carlson was fired for broadcasting something that the media did not want people to see. Other than this example, Fox is a solid trustworthy news source however I always look at many sources to make sure I am getting the straight up facts.

2. TicTock 

Even though it is not the most trust worthy source, this is where I somehow end up getting most of my news. Because Ticktock customizes its "For You Page" to what you are interested in I usually get news that I find engaging. When looking at news on TicTock you must be carful to make sure the sources that you get your news from are credible because anybody has the ability to post on the app. I recommend this news source to anybody in my generation with a short attention span. No matter your political views Ticktock will customize itself to fit to your liking. I however believe this app is dividing the country by showing people what they want to see.

3. The Wall Street Journal 

The Wall Street Journal is a great news source if you are looking for a broad range of news on everything. There is a tab for World News, Business, Sports, and many more. On top of these tabs the Wall Street Journal has stock tickers on the top of the page. I recommend this source to anybody who likes a broad range of neutral news. This source is  trustworthy and has been around since 1889.

4. Youtube 

YouTube, believe it or not is where I get a lot of my news. Because of my short attention span like most people today, I would much rather watch a video of something than read about it. I also intake information better by seeing and hearing at the same time rather than just reading.Youtube news also has many videos from many different news sources in one place. I highly recommend this source to anybody who is a visual learner.

5. Instagram 

Instagram, an app that I spend a lot of time on. On instagram, I follow all of my friends as well as many news sources. This is a quick way to get news from sources that I can follow once and see content from that source everyday, which is pretty much like being subscribed to that news source for free. I recommend this news source for anybody who spends a lot of time on social media.

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